Our commitment is to work with our
clients with a view to enhancing their wealth by
devoting the time to understand their circumstances and
then applying our tax knowledge and experience towards
achieving the best tax outcome.
The director of the business, Anne O'Mahony, has had
more than 25 years experience in advising on taxation
issues for individuals and their businesses, and is a
Registered Tax Agent.
Prior to opening the tax practice, Anne advised on tax
while employed in various management roles within major
accounting firms in London and in Melbourne. The broad
experience gained over many years in London ranged from
working with stock-brokers and being involved in
institutional fund management, to advising on tax issues
as a consultant within a major accounting firm. The work
included the UK and US taxation of international
assignees and advice for wealthy clients with diverse
investment and agricultural interests.
Anne returned to Australia with her family in 1982 in
time for the complex taxation changes introduced by
Treasurer Keating, including such measures as capital
gains tax, fringe benefits tax, and the taxation of
foreign income. Her main focus back in Australia was the
management and delivery of tax services to the
executives and assignees of major Australian and
international companies such as NAB, BP, McDonnell
Douglas, BHP Billiton etc.
Anne has the experience to assist you with your taxation
issues. Anne's philosophy is to provide 'hands-on' tax
services and she enjoys providing high quality advice
within a small firm environment.